Tuesday, October 15, 2013

General Conference

Dear Family,

Wasn't General Conference AMAZING?! I was blown away by the powerful theme of missionary work. It is beautifully clear that NOW is the time that the Lord is hastening His work. Every missionary in the WVCM was giddy with excitement and spiritual confidence as M. Russell Ballard committed each member of the church to bring just one person into their home and share the gospel with them. I know that as each member accepts this commitment from an apostle of the Lord, and as they listen to the counsel of the Prophet in joining with the full time missionaries of the church, that we will have a white Christmas. We literally cannot do it without the members! Find the one!
This week concludes another transfer, and it has been a GREAT one! Sister Williams and I are staying in Buckhannon, which we are very thankful for! We have done a lot of work here, but opening an area has allowed me to appreciate missionary work much more than I ever have! Although we work with all our might and diligence every day, it still feels like we have only scratched the surface! So we are thankful to be staying here. The Lord is bringing in reinforcements though! Sister Williams and I are getting a third companion! (Besides the Holy Ghost of course, who is always are third companion!) We are very excited to meet her tomorrow!

The trees are STUNNING! The rolling hills are densely carpeted with beautiful trees that are transforming from deep green to rich oranges and yellows. It is an amazing process to witness the trees slowly changing day by day. This process is like conversion; it does not happen overnight, but day by day. Eventually the individual drawing nearer to Christ shines with a transformed countenance, like the vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds of fall trees. Soon, as the leaves flutter from the branches to the ground, they carpet the earth in their beautiful rays of color, and those who are converted unto the gospel spread their light to all those around them. A mission is the most joyful process I have ever been a part of! "When I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me... yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me" (Alma 29:10). Serving a mission is the greatest! I love serving my Heavenly Father and His children, and by doing so "my joy is full" (3 Nephi 17:20). I know that as each member of the church "finds the one" by Christmas, that we will have a white Christmas, and we will be blessed with a fullness of joy as we witness of beautiful colors of conversion unto Jesus Christ.
I love you!

Sister Shumway

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