The Fairmont Ward Scout Troop is a driving force of missionary work. There are practically as many nonmembers as there are members who participate in the scouting program with the Fairmont Ward. The Assistant Scout Master is a 19 year old boy named K______. He has been devoted to a life of scouting since he was a wee little child. When his scout troop collapsed last year he joined the LDS scout troop. Because of his parent's concerns about the church K_____ never took interest in learning about the actual doctrines. He intended to remain Assistant Scout Master until the beginning of the summer when he planned to go to Oklahoma to join the National Guard.
Then God stepped in.
Weeks before K_____ was to leave for Oklahoma he was in a severe car accident that literally broke his back. His injury was so severe that he was deemed permanently disqualified for the National Guard. His disappointment and frustration was great but his long recovery enabled him to remain active in troop 13.
As Summer began, talk of Youth Conference fringed the LDS scout troop's announcements and K_____'s interest was sparked. All of his friends were going to this weekend "Youth Conference" so he became set on going as well. After all, he had nothing to do other than sit around in his back brace. After persuading his parents to let him go to Youth Conference, K_____ signed up for specific workshops. He chose to attend "Mission Prep" with one of his scouting friends, "Eternal Families" with another troop friend, and "Power of the Priesthood" with another friend.
Needless to say it was a powerful weekend.
Three days later when Zack stepped out of the carpool van at the conclusion of Youth Conference, he turned to the Scout Master and quickly exclaimed,"Brother ___________! I am going to get baptized, go on a mission, and get married in the temple!"
And his conversion began.
We have been teaching K______ the lessons for three weeks now and he is progressing incredibly and preparing to be baptized in September. He has expressed that if he hadn't been in that car accident he would be in Oklahoma right now instead of preparing for baptism. K______ LOVES the gospel and he is excited about all that he is learning!
It is a thrill to witness the Lord's hands in the lives of those we are blessed to teach. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of change. It is a gospel of becoming and it is a gospel of eternity. The doctrine of Jesus Christ is our training for eternity that teaches how to obtain a fullness of joy. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of joy. I love the Lord and I love His work!!
Sister Shumway